Sheffield & District Chess Association

Established 1883







Christmas Quiz


Mike Smith offered the following four following questions in early October, by way of a Christmas Quiz.  The fifth has been added by the editor.  So, here it is, slightly late, but most people will have had other things to occupy them from 24th to 26th.


Q1.  Nomads had to leave its first 'permanent' venue at the Frog & Parrot for an unusual reason, thus depriving us of our after-game pint of Conqueror (OG 1066).  What was the reason?  (Answer)


Q2.  The Summer League Championship is played for the new Woodhouse Cup.  But the Yorkshire inter-cities Saturday League plays for the Woodhouse Cup.  What is the explanation?  (Answer)


Q3.  Nomads had to leave its venue at the Harlequin, also the venue for several Sheffield Annual Meetings, for an unprecedented reason.  What was the reason?  (Answer)


Q4.  This season marks 50 years since 1972-73 season the last, possibly only, time a team scored 8-0 all boards played against the same opponent both matches in the same season.  Both teams are still playing in the League but in lower divisions.  Who were the teams?  Clue: the winning captain still plays from time to time, but for 'obvious' reasons for a different club.  (Answer)


Q5.  For which notable Sheffield chess-player was the building near the top of Fargate, opposite the top of Norfolk Row, now housing W H Smith, originally built, and for what purpose?  (Answer)