Sheffield & District Chess Association

Established 1883







This website does not aim to contain extensive historical details of the Sheffield & District Chess Association, only relatively recent archival material, but there is a “Sheffield” sub-site within the Yorkshire Chess History website, hosted on the same web space as this website.


You can go directly to any of the main topics therein by clicking on the following links.

(Use your browser’s “back” function to return to this site, as with any external site.)



Overview of the development of organised chess in Sheffield.


Just a few of the earlier chess clubs &c of note, the Sheffield Athenaeum CC being the most important.


Sheffield Athenaeum Chess Club v. Rest of the Sheffield & District CA was the “Annual Match” of yesteryear.


Including the eponymous (Arthur) Davy, Weston, Batley, Charles, Richardson, Bruce, Moses, Gurnhill, Crabb, etc


Those you know, and the odd one or two you do not.  (Obviously intertwined.)



On the main Yorkshire Chess History website’s “Events” section, details of Sheffield representative matches from the distant past obviously feature among the Woodhouse Cup results (1884-85 onwards) which are being slowly built up as limited time permits, as are details of Yorkshire inter-county matches (1871 onwards) in which a number of Sheffield players obviously feature.  Life is too short to give the I. M. Brown Shield etc any detailed attention.



(The Yorkshire Chess History website is a never-ending “work in progress”, so its contents expand as time permits.

The Sheffield element is obviously of secondary priority.)