Except in exceptional
circumstances [see (c)], such as the player being a doctor on call, mobile
phones, and other electronic devices (including smart watches) should be
switched off completely. Captains are advised to remind players to switch
off their devices prior to the start of a match.
If, during their game, a
player’s device which has not been exempted from being switched off
nevertheless makes a noise, then the player shall lose their game, unless
the opponent cannot win the game by any series of legal moves in which case
the game shall be drawn.
Exemption from having the
phone switched off requires either that such exemption has been requested
by the player and has been granted for that match by the opposing captain,
or else that the circumstances fall within the scope of a general exemption
issued by the Executive. If a player is claiming such general exemption,
then they must still inform the opposition player and captain prior to the
start of their game.
Example 1: One player is missing from a team when the game starts.
Their captain cannot contact the player, and requests permission from the
opposing captain to leave his phone on until the player arrives. This would
be granted.
Example 2: A visually impaired player uses an electronic board which
transmits his opponent’s moves to a small monitor on which he can focus
more easily. This would be granted.
Example 3: A diabetic player wears a glucose monitor and the
information is accessed via their mobile phone. An alarm will sound on the
phone if their sugar levels go too low or too high. This would be granted.
Example 4: A player’s favourite football team are playing in a big
match, and a request is made to set up goal alerts on the player’s phone to
keep track of the score during the chess game. This would not be granted.