1) What
Personal Data is Collected
The Sheffield & Chess
Association (S&DCA) collects names and contact details (e-mail addresses,
and/or telephone numbers, and/or postal addresses) of its own officials,
officials of Member Clubs, entrants to individual competitions run by the
S&DCA, and persons interested in receiving the S&DCA electronic
newsletter. It also collects player’s names along with the clubs and
teams they represent in competitions run by the S&DCA.
Internal Uses of Personal Data
The S&DCA uses personal
data it collects to carry out administrative tasks necessary for running
the activities of the S&DCA, including:
(a) issuing notices of
S&DCA General and Executive meetings,
(b) issuing fixtures for team competitions,
(c) issuing draws for team knock-out and individual competitions,
(d) issuing notices of other competitions as may be organised from time to time,
(e) reporting results in competitions, or progressive stages thereof,
(f) other administrative purposes that may arise, such as requesting
results, matters regarding “registration” of players, and handling
The legal basis for collecting
and using personal information for purposes (a) to (f) above is “legitimate
interest”. These purposes are essential to the running of organisations
such as the S&DCA.
Publication of Personal Details on the S&DCA Website
The S&DCA publishes some
personal details on a website (http://mannchess.org.uk/S&DCA.htm),
to enable communication between those people in order to facilitate the
running of the activities of the S&DCA as above.
Such details published on the
website are available more widely, so individuals will be asked to supply
explicit permission (the legally required “opt in”) for their details to be
published on the website for the above purposes (a) to (f), enabling them to
specify which personal details may appear on the website.
4) Bulk
E-Mail Communication
Where a “reply-to-all” facility
is not required, e-mails addressed by S&DCA officials to a number of
people will be sent blind-copying (“BCC”) the recipients.
Where members of a group, such
as the Executive or a wider group of officials, have explicitly consented
to it, e-mails may be sent to that group with normal addressing rather than
blind-copying, to facilitate group discussion via “reply-to-all”.
5) Electronic
The S&DCA will collect
e-mail addresses of individuals wishing to receive the electronic
newsletter. The legal basis for collecting and using personal information
for this purpose is “consent”. Those wishing to receive the
newsletter must supply their e-mail addresses, giving explicit consent for
use for this purpose. The newsletter will be sent by e-mail, blind-copying
(“BCC”) the recipients, so as not to disclose their e-mail addresses.
Supply of Personal Details to External Organisations
The S&DCA will not supply
the personal details it collects to other organisations, except, on a
“legitimate interests” basis, when necessary for the pursuit of the
S&DCA’s normal activities. Accordingly:
(1) players’ names and
teams/clubs will, until present established practice changes, be posted to
an external website, which is currently that of the English Chess
Federation (https://www.englishchess.org.uk/);
2) players’ names and
teams/clubs, and, if relevant, S&DCA officials’ contact details for
query and/or invoicing purposes, may be supplied to an external
organisation to facilitate the process of grading of chess games played in
competitions run by the S&DCA.