Sheffield & District Chess Association

Established 1883







S&DCA Fixture Meeting 2022



General Secretary Geoff Brown has sent out an e-mail with a revised agenda (expanded rather than altered in substance, downloadable here), and the minutes of the previous Fixture Meeting, that of 23 September 2019 (downloadable here).  The text of the e-mail, which explains some post-AGM refinements to the league structure, reads as follows.


Hi everyone


Further to the notice for the Fixture Meeting that I sent out last week, I am now attaching an updated agenda along with the minutes from the previous Fixture Meeting (held 23 September 2019).


I have prepared the league fixtures taking account, as far as possible, each club's requests for avoiding team clashes.  With several clubs having Monday as their home night also each having multiple teams, this has not always been easy.  You may find the occasional instance of your teams clashing.  Maybe, if I spend another few days at it, I might find solutions.  But, with the first fixtures in less than two weeks, I feel it is better to get them out there (they'll be available on ECF LMS later today [see here]) and let you make any necessary rearrangements with your opponents and the divisional secretaries.  Of course, as teams get knocked out of the cups, some ring-fenced weeks will become available later in the season.  Note that the season can be extended beyond 30th April 2023, to 15th May at the latest, but only in exceptional circumstances such as bad weather (Rule 16(b)).


When you see the fixtures, you'll notice that there have been some tweaks to the divisions that were agreed at the AGM.  First of all, with the lack of 400 League action, Darnall & Handsworth entered another 6-player to take the spare place in Division 3.  This was rapidly followed, in what I can only describe as a "you reap what you sow" situation, by Chesterfield B believing they would now be too weak to play in Div 2 and requesting demotion to what they thought was a spare slot in Div 3.  As that slot no longer existed, but with University having eventually replied to me to state their preferred divisions, it was decided to move Uni B back to Div 4 (making ten teams) and consenting to Chesterfield B's move to Div 3.  So, we have a 7 team Div 1, from which only one team will be relegated at the end of the season; a 7 team Div 2, again with only one relegation spot; 8 teams in Div 3, where normal two team relegation applies; and a 10 team Div 4.


Anyway, we are where we are.  Have a look at the fixtures on LMS so you can come to the meeting armed with requests for amendments.  There will be time at the end of the meeting for team captains to mingle with their counterparts from other clubs.


Best wishes


Geoff Brown

General Secretary, S&DCA