Sheffield & District Chess Association

Established 1883







S&DCA AGM 2024


General Secretary Geoff Brown has sent out by e-mail formal notice of the 2024 AGM worded as follows:


Distribution List:  S&DCA Officers, Exec Committee, Past President, Vice-Presidents, Auditors, Club Secretaries and Sheffield YCA Team Captains



Hi everyone


Please note that the Annual General Meeting of the Sheffield & District Chess Association will be held at 7.30 pm on Tuesday, 3rd September 2024 at The Trades and Labour Club (home of Nomads), 200 Duke Street, Sheffield S2 5QQ.  I would appreciate a note from each of you confirming receipt of this email.


I attach the minutes from the previous AGM, the agenda for this meeting, and a list of the proposed rule changes.


Club Information Sheets will be sent out shortly, under a separate email, to only the club secretaries.


Any officers with reports for the AGM are encouraged to let me have them so that I can email them out to clubs prior to the AGM (with a view to saving time at the meeting).


Some of you are on multiple lists (e.g. Officers, Club Secretaries, etc.).  I've tried to weed out repeated addresses but I'm sure I've missed one or two.  My apologies if you've received several copies of this email.


Best wishes


Geoff Brown

General Secretary, S&DCA


The attachments: