Sheffield & District Chess Association

Established 1883







Hope Valley Tournament and Some Other Forthcoming events


Gen. Sec. Geoff Brown has sent out the following to all and sundry, but in case you are neither “all” nor” sundry, here it is:


Hi everyone


As our main winter league draws to a close, the details for the Hope Valley 5-minute tournament (hosted this year by the Sheffield Chess Centre) are attached.  [Click here for attachment.]  Please pass on to your club / team members.


The flyer also has links for the Crabb Shield and the 3rd Chess Centre Rapidplay.


I might as well give you the date for Darnall & Handsworth's 8th FIDE Rated Rapidplay as well.  That'll be held at Stradbroke Community Centre on Saturday 31st August 2024. I'll send out more details for that in a few weeks once we have the entry form available.


Following that, the Association AGM will be held early in September.  Date and venue is still to be confirmed but may I remind you that any proposal for alterations to the Constitution or Rules for the AGM must be submitted to the General Secretary (me) by 30th June.


Best wishes


Geoff Brown

General Secretary