Sheffield & District Chess Association

Established 1883







Draft Minutes of the S&DCA AGM


Draft minutes of the S&DCA AGM held on Tuesday the 5th of September 2023 were waiting in people’s e-mail in-boxes when they opened them up this morning, with the following message:

Hi everyone


Here are the (provisional) minutes for the AGM of Sheffield & District Chess Association held Tuesday, 5th September 2023.  I say provisional, just in case I've made any obvious errors in rushing to get the minutes out.  I would appreciate it if people would point out any errors as soon as possible.


Would you also note that the Fixture Meeting will be held on Tuesday, 19th September, 2023 at the same venue, namely Sheffield Chess Centre, 329A Coleford Road, Darnall, Sheffield S9 5NF.  I'll send an agenda out next week.


You should be aware that the league season is due to start on Monday, 25th September 2023 so it's probably worth priming your club members now.


Best wishes


Geoff Brown

General Secretary, Sheffield & District Chess Association


So, here they are in Word and pdf format:

Minutes in Word Format - Minutes in pdf format.


Key points to note are perhaps:

1) Teams in the Davy Trophy (Division 1) are now of 6 boards rather than 8.  There were no other Rule changes.

2) Sheffield still has no A Team captain for the Woodhouse Cup.  (The first match is on 16th September.

    Re-entry in the following season would not necessarily be allowed straight back into the Woodhouse.)

3) There has been something of a “cabinet reshuffle”, so, captains, check who your new league secretary is.