Sheffield & District Chess Association

Established 1883







Mobile Phones


Following on from a meeting of the S&DCA Executive on 22/06/2023, the Gen. Secretary has issued the following by e-mail:


Hi all


Following a recent incident, the S&DCA Executive has asked me to remind club secretaries and captains about the situation with mobile phones and other electronic devices.


The FIDE rules state that, "During a game, a player is forbidden to have an electronic device not specifically the playing venue."  Note that electronic devices include mobile telephones, smart watches, and any other device capable of suggesting or transmitting moves and that the playing venue is the whole building including toilets, refreshment area, smoking area, etc. and not just the playing area itself.


The rules go on to say that "If it is evident that a player has such a device on their person in the playing venue, the player shall lose the game.  The opponent shall win."


This all sounds very draconian but is part of FIDE's anti-cheating regulations.  However, as a relatively minor association the S&DCA are allowed to follow different, less severe, regulations and we allow such electronic devices in the playing area as long as they are completely switched off and stored, ideally, in a bag placed under the table (in practice, many players switch their phone off and place it upside down next to the board).  


It is good practice for team captains to remind players to power off their devices at the start of each match, probably at the same time that board pairings, refreshment and toilet facilities are read out.  There may be certain circumstances when a player may seek an exemption (e.g. a doctor on call).  Such exemption requests should be sought and agreed by both captains prior to the match starting.


Best wishes


Geoff Brown

General Secretary, Sheffield & District Chess Association