To all
summer league captains,
Two important points:
1. All but the
Chesterfield teams have now played at least one match in the summer
league, so I've started to keep a tally of registered players. Once
a player has played twice on the top two boards for a team they become
ineligible to play for any of their lower teams. These names are
passed to Steve Mann, who displays them on the Registrations page of the
S&DCA website at
2. You should be aware that all
players who have played four or more games over the winter league need to
be an ECF member. You should also be aware that the summer league games are
being added to these totals, but you may not be aware that these non
ECF players need to join the ECF before the end of June. If they
are not S&DCA will be fined £18 per player, which will be passed on to
the relevant clubs. Details of the new ECF rolling membership can be found
at Rolling membership – examples and exceptions – English
Chess Federation At present there are 12 players who have
played four or more games (with another 7 on three), who are not ECF
members. These can be found on our LMS website at Sheffield
& District Chess Association - Games By Non-ECF Members | ECF League
Management System (