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21/11/2022 Rotherham Online Winter Cup Rapid Tournament
After a three-month break Rotherham Online is organising a free-to-enter Winter Cup Rapid competition open to all comers at home and abroad.
The tournament, over six rounds, starts on Wednesday, November 30th.
Each round lasts one week, apart from round 4 which will be played over a fortnight, with players able to arrange their games using the chat room on the Rotherham site at a date and time to suit themselves and their opponent.
Games will be played on the Lichess platform at the rate of 15 minutes, plus a 10 seconds per move increment, and byes are available on request.
Entries will be taken up to midnight on Tuesday, November 29th or early the following morning at the discretion of the organisers.
Bradford top board Chris Bak is among the early entries, along with former Moortown leading player Richard Allis and the strong Indian Sampath Kumar.
For further details, current entries and how to enter see the following link
Peter Catt