Sheffield & District Chess Association Established 1883 |
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16/06/2022 SASCA Chess Club
Around the turn of the year, SASCA was down to only 4 or 5 regular members, but is now back to around 25 plus, and is beginning to outgrow its premises, and maybe they will have moved by the time the 2022-23 league season starts.
Regular 16-to-18-year-olds are thin on the ground, meaning there is a shortage of strong juniors at the higher level, but secretary Jonathan Arnott has “reasonably high hopes” of a few individuals at the U-9, U-7 and even U-5 age brackets. “Overall, I'm optimistic about the long-term potential though the shorter term is slightly rockier. The other good news is that there seems to be more chess taking place in schools than previously, so integrating that will be a priority for us.”
Whilst there is as yet insufficient depth in school chess to envisage an inter-school chess league as of yesteryear, Jonathan is in touch with chess clubs at five schools: Tapton, High Storrs, Totley, Mercia, and Newfield. Anybody involved with chess activity in other Sheffield-area schools might do well to get in touch with Jonathan to keep him “in the loop”.
SASCA now has a proper website which will, with any luck, flesh out more in due course.
In three weeks or so, another Sheffield Junior Open is scheduled for Saturday the 9th of July 2022. (This is date strangely overpopulated with junior events, as the UKCC Northern Gigafinal runs on the 9th and 10th, and the EJCOA National Youth Championships runs from 8th to 10th.)