Sheffield & District Chess Association

Established 1883







New Rotherham On-Line Rapid Event


The Spring Rapid will be played over six rounds at the rate of 15 minutes, plus a 10 seconds per move increment, and is open to all comers at home or abroad.


It is free to enter with each round lasting one week.


Players arrange their own games each week, using the chat room on the Rotherham site, at a date and time to suit themselves and their opponent.


Byes are available on request and the first-round pairings will be released at noon next Wednesday, May 4th.


Games are played on the Lichess platform with the award-winning Rotherham website making it easy to challenge and communicate with opponents.


Winners of past tournaments have had Lichess rapid grades ranging from 2159 to 2505.


Entries will be accepted up to midnight on May 3rd or, in special circumstances, early the following morning at the discretion of the organisers.


For further details, how to enter and current entries click on Spring Rapid on the following link


Peter Catt