Sheffield & District Chess Association

Established 1883







Advanced Training Tournament

aimed at adults or juniors with a rough target strength of 1600-2000 ECF

to be held on Saturday 20th November 2021

at Southern Light Community Church, Tannery Street, Woodhouse, S13 7LA

(numbers strictly limited to 16 maximum)


Jonathan Arnott is organising a training tournament on November 20th aimed at either adults or juniors with a rough target strength of 1600-2000 ECF.  IM Andrew Ledger will be there for the vast majority of the day and will do both whole group and small-group coaching.


Entries can be made on line here:


What follows is taken from that entry form:


Who is this event for? We're aiming this (roughly) at those of ECF 1600-2000 rating strength. That said, it's up to you: if you're slightly above or below that range, or if you don't have a rating, or think you're playing better/worse than your rating, that's totally up to you.

Adults or juniors? Either.

Time: Roughly 10.30am to 5pm, TBC.

Venue: Southern Light Community Church, Tannery Street, Woodhouse, S13 7LA.

Cost: £25

Numbers: Strictly limited to a maximum of 16

Schedule TBC but as an indication each player will:

a) Have at least one small-group coaching session, possibly two (please come armed with your questions, positions, games to look through, etc) - one with Andrew Ledger IM and one with Jonathan.

b) Play some games of chess (probably 3 x 15 10 games)

c) Have some full-group coaching with Andrew Ledger IM.

d) Participate in a skills-based exercise based around the coaching session