Sheffield & District Chess Association

Established 1883







Entries Invited for the 6th Kelham Island Events, on 19/09/2021


The paralympics are just over, so it must be time for the next outdoor OTB chess event at Kelham Island.


Geoff Brown is now organising the 6th set (and final one for this year) of Kelham Island mini-tournaments, and now INVITES ENTRIES.


The format is groups of ideally 6 players or perhaps the odd 4-player group (according to number of entrants), each player in a group playing each other (hence 5 or 3 rounds), with each player having 15 minutes on the clock, with a 5-second increment per move played.  Each group plays at a different venue within the general Kelham Island area.


Geoff Brown’s invitation e-mail reads:


Hi everyone


The next of my outdoor, over-the-board events at Kelham Island (actually, the final one that's planned for this year) will be on Sunday, 19th September and I'm now taking entries.  Can you let me know if you're entering, as soon as possible please, so that I can make arrangements with the venues.


Best wishes


Geoff Brown