S&DCA Online Season 2
At an Executive Meeting held via Zoom on 11/02/2021, following
the success of Season 1, and after feedback from clubs, it was agreed to run
a second Season to commence on 11/03/2021.
This time the event is to be run as a league of three
divisions of 4 or 5 teams, playing each other twice.
Again, the matches would be fortnightly on a Thursday
Teams will be allocated to divisions based partly on their
finishing position in Season 1 and partly on the estimated strength of their
Bill asked about movement of players between two teams from the
same club.
It was agreed that we would run a ‘Registered Player’ system
as in the over-the-board league, with two nominated players at the start of
the season and anybody that then plays on the top two boards can no longer
play for a team in another division. If two teams from the same club are in
the same division (which will be avoided as far as feasible) then there
should be no movement of players between the teams.
Results are not to be sent to the ECF for rating purposes, hence
no EC membership considerations arise.
Geoff Brown has now sent out, to club secretaries and team captains,
an e-mail call for entries, with more detail, as follows:
now time to submit your team entries for Season 2 of the S&DCA Online
League. Send them to me at the above email address no later than 28th February but
please copy Phill Beckett in as well. [E-mail addresses are on “Officers”
page, if needed.]
the Executive meeting last Thursday it was agreed that the Season 2 would
be run as a league with three divisions. Each division is likely to
have four or five teams in it but the exact number won't be known until all
entries are in. Initial placement in the divisions will be based
partly on where teams finished in Season 1 and partly on the expected
strength of the teams. We're not going to ask for squad lists this
time but we would like an indication of the likely players in your team so
we can gauge playing strength.
clubs have teams in the same division (we'll try to avoid that if we can)
then the team squads must be separate. Once a player plays for one
team then he will no longer be eligible for the other team. Where
teams from the same club are in different divisions then we are going to
run a 'Registered Player' rule like our normal Rule 17. As this will
again be over four boards then we request that the two strongest, regular
players in the higher placed team be nominated before the season
starts. Those players will not be eligible to play for a team in any
lower division. Furthermore, if during the season, anyone other than
those two nominated players play on either of the top two boards, even just
once, then they will automatically become 'registered' and will no longer
be eligible to play for a team in a lower division.
will still all be played at the same time on Thursday evenings starting at
7.30 pm. But we're going to try to release the team lists in a
different way this time round. In Season 1, team captains had to
submit their team lists to Phill by 12 noon on the day of the match.
This time we want captains to play a bigger part and actually fill in their
team lists on the ECF LMS themselves. If we have set the settings
correctly then the team lists will remain hidden until one hour before the
fixtures start. Then they become visible and, in effect, disclosed to
the opposition.
this to happen we need to get all of the team captains to register on LMS
(go to LMS and, in the red box in top l h corner click on the LMS Contact
hyperlink. Then fill in your details and ask for a log-in ID.
Once you have it, then report back to me and I'll set you up from
there). We also want all players, who are likely to play in the
league, to have their Lichess username linked to their LMS profile.
At the moment, I believe only Dave Latham and myself are authorised to do
that and I'll start getting on with it. Please let us know if any of
your players object to this but the idea is to make Phill's life as arbiter
easier as the game result from Lichess should automatically be transferred
to LMS.
realise there's a lot to take in so I'll not add to the confusion any
further. There will be an up-dated set of rules sent out in a couple
of weeks or so but if anyone has any questions in the meantime then feel
free to ask.