Sheffield & District Chess Association

Established 1883







Sheffield Individual Championships


The 2023-24 Sheffield Championships have at last got underway at last, but a further participant is still sought.  Organiser Geoff Brown has sent out the following e-mail to entrants.


Hi everyone


Hopefully you will have received my earlier email with the contact details for the entrants and you'll have had time to check your own details and also to read the rules.


The first round draw has now been published on Sheffield's LMS pages -Round 1 | ECF League Management System ( - but here it is as well:-


Bill Ward


  Peter Ackley

Chris Shephard

  Oliver West

Elliott Spencer


  Daniel Sullivan

Jay Ryalls


  Colin Reid

Midhun Varghese


Nat Holroyd‑Doveton


The first named player has white, the second named has black.  The player with the black pieces (unless playing Bill Ward) has choice of venue and should make the first contact to arrange the game.


We still only have 11 players so I've given myself a full-point bye this round.  Actually, I'm still hoping to persuade another player to enter but the rest of you might as well get on with your own games. 


Please send me your results no later than Wednesday 31st January 2024.


Good luck to you all




