Hi everyone,
Those of you who
were at the Fixture Meeting in September may remember that flyers were
distributed for the Sheffield Individual Championships. The closing date
for entries was 15th October. With only three entries (with a fourth
coming in a few weeks later) there seemed little interest in the events,
and no point in them going ahead.
However, I have
recently received enquiries from a couple of people so I am prepared to
have another shot at setting up the events and hence this mail to club
secretaries and team captains. There is an updated flyer attached for you
to pass on to your club colleagues who may be interested.
Rather than the
initially advertised 6 rounds, we will now have to settle for just five
rounds - that'll be one a month in January, February, March, April and
May. I would hope that rounds can be played to this strict timetable and
not over-run like several did last season. The first deadline is for
entries to be with me no later than Saturday, 30th December. I'll send out
the first round pairings by email on 31st.
Rules for the
tournaments can be found at mannchess.org.uk/SRules/Rules.htm#individual.
Best wishes
Geoff Brown
Tournament Controller