Sheffield & District Chess Association

Established 1883







Notice of S&DCA AGM 2022

Tuesday, 06 September 2022


General Secretary Geoff Brown sent out by e-mail a notice of the AGM (posted late here due to an oversight caused by going on holiday) advising that Annual General Meeting of the Sheffield & District Chess Association will be held at 7.30 pm on Tuesday, 6th September 2022 at The Trades and Labour Club (home of Nomads), 200 Duke Street, Sheffield S2 5QQ.


The Agenda can be downloaded here.


The Minutes of the 2019 AGM can be downloaded here.


Proposed Rule changes included in the Agenda are as follows (Geoff’s colour scheme):


a)  Proposal (by Geoff Brown):


That matches in all divisions, apart from the bottom one, should be played over 6 boards.

Delete section (d) of Rule 14 – ORGANISATION OF THE LEAGUE and renumber sections (e), (f) and (g) accordingly.


Whilst this motion has failed in the past, I am aware that several clubs are struggling with numbers as we try to rebuild following the pandemic.  A reduction from 8 boards to 6 in the Davy will not only help those clubs, but will create more space in match rooms, and may reduce the number of people sharing cars.


b)  Proposal (by Mike Smith):


That Rule 19 – CONDUCT OF MATCHES should be tightened up to ensure that matches are played on a weekday evening.  You might think that this is already the case but, within living memory, a team in a neighbouring league decided to play its home matches on Sundays as that made it easier for its star player to play (whilst he was away at Nottingham University). So:-


Rule 19 (b) to have the words “shall be played on Monday to Friday evenings, and” inserted so that it reads: “Matches shall be played on Monday to Friday evenings, and shall start at 7.30 p.m., or else any other time with mutual agreement.”


c)  Proposal (by Mike Smith):


To delete Rule 19 (f) which currently reads “No smoking is allowed in the match room unless agreed by both, or all, captains present.”


It would currently be unlawful for the captains to agree, something the S&DCA could not condone.


d)  Proposal (by Geoff Brown):  To amend Rule 20 – CLOCK AND TIME-LIMITS to allow games to be played with time increments when suitable clocks are available for all boards in a match.


Rule 20 (b) to be amended to read: “In all team matches, when sufficient digital clocks with an increment facility are available for all boards, then games will be played at the rate of all moves in 60 minutes with a 10-second increment per move being added from the start.  If insufficient digital clocks are available, then each player shall have 75 minutes in which to complete the game.”