Sheffield & District Chess Association

Established 1883







Half-Term Casual Competition/Training Event for Junior Beginners


Jonathan Arnott is organising a casual competition/training event for junior beginners to be held

on the Wednesday 27th October 2021 (during school half-term holiday)

at Southern Light Community Church, Tannery Street, Woodhouse, S13 7LA

for new/beginner juniors (and their parents) who are interested in taking up chess.


Entries can be made on line here:


What follows is taken from that entry form:


Why this event? To give new junior players (parents also welcome if accompanying a child) a chance to play against other juniors, to learn a bit more about chess and have some fun!


What should I know before coming? If you know how the pieces move, that should be enough.


(If you've already got an English Chess Federation rating of over 1000, you may find this to be a little simple. Try the November training tournament instead)


Venue: Southern Light Community Church, Tannery Street, Woodhouse, S13 7LA.


Entry fee: £12


Schedule (rough as most players will be new and we can go faster or slower as needed):


Arrival: 10.45am - 11.00am


11am: We'll do a quick recap of the rules of chess using a demonstration board, making sure that everyone knows the basics of how the pieces move, castling, promotion, etc.


11.15am: Game 1


11.45am: How to play in the opening (short teaching session)


12.00pm: Game 2


12.30pm: Lunch break


1.15pm: Simple chess tactics (short teaching session)


1.45pm: Game 3


2.15pm: Some simple endgames (short teaching session)


2.30pm: Game 4


3.00pm: What do I need to know if I want to take up chess competitions (clock, rules, etc)


3.15pm: Game 5


Players will gain points throughout the day from participating in activities and winning games of chess. Prizes will be handed out after the final game.