Sheffield & District Chess Association

Established 1883







2nd Mini Standardplay Tournament, Sheffield

1675+ Section, and U-1675 Section

20th & 21st August

Entries invited.


Jonathan Arnott is running a second Mini Standardplay Tournament, at Spa View Community Church as before, but this time with two sections:


1675 +

OPEN to players rated 1675 or over, but also to include

by INVITATION some well-performing U-1675 players


for players rated under 1675


For those who have not gone “metric” yet, a 1675 rating equates to a 130 grade.


There is an on-line entry form to be found at


The following text has been adapted from that on the entry form:


Two sections:

1) IMPROVERS - Suitable for those who have no ECF grade (e.g. beginners/juniors) or those who have a rating under 1675 (old grade under 130).

2) INVITATIONAL - For players with ratings over 1675. Others by invitation only. Those who scored 4+ out of 5 in the July competition may consider themselves invited.


PLAYING SCHEDULE – (details lower down)

One game Friday night on August 20th, and

4 games on Saturday August 21st.


Players may request a half-point bye in advance if they do not wish to play on the Friday.


VENUE: Spa View Community Church, Spa View Road, Birley Spa, Sheffield, S12 4HD (try putting S12 4HE into sat nav if you can't find the venue). Parking available.

There is a public playing field next door.




Cash prizes will be shared in the event of two or more players finishing on the same number of points. Standard tiebreak rules (sum of progressive scores, sum of opponents' scores) will be used to determine the winner of any non-cash prize.


Our costs have increased slightly since the last event. However, thanks to a generous donation at the last event the total cash prize fund will still be a minimum of £225 (provided 30+ players) spread across the two events. This will be increased if the event sells out.


ENTRY FEE: £20 (adult), £15 (junior), payable in advance. Due to current restrictions we do not anticipate that entries on the day will be permitted.


ECF MEMBERSHIP: You must either:

a) Have bronze ECF membership or above - memberships bought now are valid until end August 2022,


b) pay the ECF's 'pay to play' competition fee (currently £9 adults, £2.50 juniors).


TIME LIMIT: All moves in 45 minutes plus a 15-second increment from move 1. Players should record their games.



Last time we held a brief 7pm session explaining tournament rules. If anyone has specific questions, or did not attend last time, please feel free to see the arbiters.


Round 1

Friday, 7.30 pm

Round 2

Saturday, 9.45 am

Round 3

Saturday, 11.45 am (or as soon as possible after)

Lunch break

Food and non-alcoholic drinks available to purchase. We plan a 'meal deal' - hot meal, drink, chess piece-themed chocolates for £5.

Round 4

Saturday, 2.30 pm

Short break


Round 5

Saturday, 4.30 pm


Awarded as soon as possible after final round; cash prizes will be paid either in cash or by bank transfer within 48 hours of the event ending.