Sheffield & District Chess Association

Established 1883







Entries Invited for the Next Kelham Island Events, on 18/07/2021


The football will be over, the tennis will have finished, so what better will there be to do than enter the next Kelham Island mini-tournaments?


The format is groups of 6 or 4 players (according to number of entrants), each in a group playing each other (hence 5 or 3 rounds), with each player having 15 minutes on the clock, with a 5-second increment per move played.  Each group plays at a different venue within the general Kelham Island area.


Geoff Brown is now taking entries – as soon as possible, please, to facilitate planning, booking the requisite number of playing locations, and so on.  His e-mail reads:


Hi all


I'm currently taking entries for the next otb event at Kelham Island which will be on Sunday, 18th July.


So far, the confirmed entries are: Barker, Brennan, Brown, Holroyd-Doveton, Sturman and Wills.  Frost and Hails are possibilities.


If you intend to play that day, then can you let me know as soon as possible please, so that I can plan the venues.


Best wishes


Geoff Brown