Sheffield & District Chess Association

Established 1883







Revised Forward Look to Sheffield League 2021-22


Back in May, General Secretary Geoff Brown announced in the Newsletter:


Assuming the release from lockdown continues as hoped, with the steps on 17th May and 21st June being successful, then we're going to have to start thinking about starting up our otb league again.  I guess we're aiming for a restart at the end of September for the 2021/22 season.  That will mean an AGM in early September, in which case I'll be sending out more information around the start of August.  Maybe now is the time for you to start looking at the situation at your own clubs.


We now know that, although the easing of restrictions pencilled in for 17th May (earliest) did indeed go ahead as planned/hoped, the final stage, originally pencilled in for 21st June (earliest) has been deferred at least until 19th July.  This is likely to push any AGM to a later date than originally envisaged.  The S&DCA President and General Secretary, Geoffs Frost and Brown respectively, have already discussed this and are due to pick up their discussion this coming Sunday, whereafter an update is likely to appear here.