currently taking entries for the event at Kelham Island this coming Sunday,
20th June.
have 12 confirmed entries so far (Arnott, Barker, Brennan, Brown,
Chatterton, D'Agnese, Frost, Gajdosz, Holroyd-Doveton, Irwin, Nettleship
and Stephenson) and have room for another 8 or so. If you want to
enter and you're not on my list yet then please let me know as soon as
possible. I'm hoping to make the draw on Friday evening or early
Saturday morning when entrants will be split into groups of 4-6 players.
group will play an all-play-all within their own group, each at its own
separate venue. The groups will not mix throughout the day. The
games will be played at the rate of 15 minutes per player plus 5 seconds
per move. With the 5 second increment on the clocks, each game should be over
within 40 minutes and that gives us 20 minutes to clean the pieces and
clock, take a comfort break and order more beer (or whatever your poison
may be).
four venues this week are the same ones that we used last time:
Millowners Arms, Kelham Island Museum, Alma Street, Sheffield S3 8RY
Grinders Union, Globe Works, Penistone Road, Sheffield S6 3AE
Fat Cat, 23 Alma Street, Sheffield S3 8SA
Arch Studios, 30-36 Burton Road, Neepsend, Sheffield S3 8BX
first three serve food and drinks. There is no food or hot drinks at
Yellow Arch but you are allowed to purchase them from Gaard Cafe next door
and consume them at Yellow Arch. Please remember that these places
aren't charging us for use of their tables over a period of several hours
so the least we can do is to repay them by buying their wares. I can
recommend the roast dinners at The Millowners, and the burgers at Saw
Grinders sound good.
make sure there are chess sets, clocks, wipes, spray and hand gel for each
group but please bring your own face coverings (for protecting others) and
any ppe you want (for protecting yourself). You will need to book
into whichever venue you're based at, either by using the NHS Covid app or
by leaving your contact details with the staff. Such details will
only be kept for 21 days. You will be expected to follow any
anti-Covid rules set down by the venue you're playing at (e.g. wearing your
face covering when entering or moving about the premises, paying for your refreshments
by card or through an app rather than with cash). All of the games
will be played out of doors and you will be in a group of no more than six,
so reducing the risk of Covid transmission, but there is a greater risk
when we're sat down, face to face, playing each other. For that
reason, I am recommending that we all wear our face coverings during
play. However, I am aware that one of the entrants has an exemption
from wearing a face covering. I will try to provide a spare set and
board for that group so those games can be played over two boards if
soon as each game is finished the pieces and clock should be immediately
reset and sanitised. They should not be touched any more until the
start of the next game. Used wipes and any other rubbish should be placed
in the rubbish bag that I'll provide.
above information is not exhaustive, but I ask that you all use your common
sense to protect yourself, the other competitors, bar staff, and the
general public. If anybody needs to contact me for any reason, then
please ring or message me on 07931 563787.