fixtures for our second season are now up on the ECF LMS pages ECF League Management System (ecflms.org.uk)
the University team haven't confirmed whether or not they are going to enter
the competition we have decided that we needed to cater for them
entering. Hence division 1 currently has six teams in but may reduce
to five if University don't enter. (Yang, Jose, Alex - can you let me
know one way or the other as soon as possible please?).
2 and 3 only have five teams in each. Therefore there will be a bye
in each round but we've catered for that by pairing the bye from Division 2
with the bye from Division 3 - see Lucky Dip competition.
week or so back I asked that clubs / teams arrange for their secretary,
team captain or other nominated person apply to the ECF for a log in ID
because we're going to expect the clubs to enter team lists directly onto
the LMS rather than sending them to Phill. I can see that most clubs
have set this up but I still need someone from Hillsborough and Nomads to
do it. If you need any help then let me know but it's really just a
case of following the 'LMS Contact' hyperlink at the top left of the LMS
/ captains should ensure that their club's Player List is up to date and
that their Lichess username is linked to the LMS. (Click on player's name
and it should be showing, in red, halfway down the right hand side of the
page). If it's not there then let me know and I'll update them.
I think I've done it for everyone that played in Season 1 but I might have
missed one or two.
have attached a copy of the latest version of the competition rules.
[See here.] They are still a
work in progress but they now follow our over-the-board rules more closely
and I've also 'borrowed' some wording from the 4NCL competitions. If
you've any queries, about the rules or anything else, then you can ask Phill
or myself.