Sheffield & District Chess Association

Established 1883







New ECF Registered Coaches Scheme


Some time ago the ECF discontinued its previous arrangements as regards chess coaches, perhaps because it did not have a system robust enough to meet modern accreditation standards.


The ECF website does currently show a list of coaches, in the sense of people advertising themselves as such, but with the caveat that they have, for the most part, not been vetted or checked by the ECF in any way.  (It is noticeable that some Sheffield players - two come to mind - who used to appear in old lists are not now listed.)


The ECF has now instituted a new 4-tier “ECF Registered Coaches scheme”.  The four tiers are:

1 – Basic Skills and Experience,

2 – 2 years +, School or County,

3 – 5 years +, National Level,

4 – 10 years +, International Level, Published Work,

These four levels constituting the “ECF Coaching Pathway”.


Further information on the scheme is to be found on the ECF website at, and there is a link at the foot of that page to the on-line application form.


Amongst the questions asked of applicants is their intended type of client, and/or mode of delivery, as follows:


  • Children only
  • Adults only
  • Children and adults
  • Schools
  • Clubs
  • Training groups including children
  • Groups of adults
  • Online
  • Online only
  • Special Educational Needs (SEN)
  • SEN only


The on line mode of delivery is of course a growth area, and virtually the only viable mode at present.  A former Sheffield Junior Chess Champion now living in London has recently toyed with the idea of on-line chess coaching.


People on a list of coaches currently held by the ECF (possibly that mentioned above) have been e-mailed inviting them to apply, providing a link to an on-line application form.


Anyone wishing to engage with the new scheme, who has not had the e-mail, may like to follow the link above, and consider applying.


The ECF Manager of Coaches is IM Andrew Martin.